
lundi 22 août 2016

Battery preservation strategy

I've been thoroughly impressed with battery life on the Moto Z as a result of normal use. Less so with idle battery consumption. That is, after installing my full complement of apps (including facebook and twitter), I did a few tests by going too bed on a full charge, and found that 7 or so hours later, it had burned down 15-20% doing nothing overnight!

I installed gsam batter monitor since the stock one is kind of useless. This provided a lot of valuable info, which is basically that Twitter is a huge hog, Facebook surprisingly isn't, and google play services also seems to be spinning its wheels a lot when I'm doing nothing. But most of my juice was going to powering the wifi radio.

Android M has a setting to turn off wifi when the phone is sleeping. I was reluctant to do this at first because I figured my apps would just start wasting my data instead. However, you also have the ability to selectively limit apps' ability to use cellular data when running in the background. In an app's settings you can click "Data Usage", then "Restrict app background data."

I did this for all the apps that gsam identified as being the wifi/battery users. And frankly there are almost no apps that I actually want using data when I'm not using the app itself anyway, except SMS and gmail. (I wish there was a way to just say "actually shut this app down when I close it", so I could activate it for most apps!)

Anyway -after doing this, I activated the setting to turn off the wifi radio when the phone was sleeping.

Result? 2% battery drain overnight, and minimal cellular data use. Amazing.

(Btw - I also uninstalled the twitter app and just put a link from chrome on my desktop. The web mobile app is very good anyway and I'm not much a twitter addict so this is a fine alternative that is a lot less intrustive for me).

from xda-developers

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